- Written by: Thomas Weise
The Institute of Applied Optimization warmly welcomes Dr. Pei XU [许培博士] as a new member of our team. Before joining our team, Dr. XU was a teaching assistant at Chuzhou University (CHZU) [滁州学院] from 2014 to 2017. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science and technology from Anhui University (AHU) [安徽大学] last year. His research interests include Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things. This research nicely fits to the work on wireless sensor network routing already conducted in our institute.
We are very happy that Dr. XU joined our team. We are looking forward to working and conducting exciting research together.
- Written by: Thomas Weise
Today, on September 29, 2021, I attended the National Day Tea Party for People from All Walks of Life [奋斗百年路 启航新征程 合肥市各界人士迎国庆茶话会] in the city hall of Hefei [合肥市]. It was a very enjoyable event, attended by – indeed – people from all walks of life, ranging from political representatives of different parties over religious representatives, minorities, foreign experts, to policemen and business leaders. Every year, our city arranges such a nice event between the Mid-Autumn Holiday and the National Day (last year, it was the Hefei Mid-Autumn Tea Party for People from All Walks of Life) and I am always looking forward to it.
- Written by: Thomas Weise
Today, on 2021-08-11, I had the great pleasure to give a guest lecture on "Comparing Optimization Algorithms" for the course "Evolutionary Computation" of Associate Professor Dr. Markus Wagner at the School of Computer Science of The University of Adelaide, Australia. The lesson was organized as a hybrid event, with both online attendants and students in the lecture room. We discussed several different topics, ranging from different views on performance (time-to-target vs. result-within-budget), different ways of measuring runtime (FEs, clock time), statistics (arithmetic mean vs. median vs. geometric mean, standard deviation vs. quantiles), statistical tests, and runtime behaviors. If you are interested in these topics, you can download my slides as well as a pre-recorded video that was intended as backup if the connection would fail. Fortunately, the connection did not fail and the lecture went smooth and nicely. I want to thank Dr. Wagner for this nice opportunity and also the audience for their patience and positive reception.
Read more: Guest Lesson "Comparing Optimization Algorithm" at the University of Adelaide
- Written by: Thomas Weise
On Friday, 2021-06-18, 16:00-17:00, our institute hosted the invited talk "Some convergence results for weighted sums of dependent random variables and applications" by Prof. Dr. Xuejun WANG [王学军] from the School of Mathematical Sciences of Anhui University [安徽大学数学科学学院]. We sincerely thank Prof. WANG for his exciting talk, which led to an interesting discussion. We have learned much from his work and also enjoyed the other two interesting research talks.
- Written by: Thomas Weise
On Friday, 2021-06-18, 15:00-16:00, our institute hosted the invited talk "Multiple influential point detection in high dimensional regression spaces" by Prof. Dr. Junlong ZHAO [赵俊龙] from the School of Statistics of Beijing Normal University [北京师范大学统计学院]. We deeply thank Prof. ZHAO, which was both preceded and followed directly by another two interesting talks. His research presentation was very informative – we and the many attending students learned a lot. The discussion following the talk was also very inspiring.
- Research Talk by Prof. Gaorong LI [李高荣]: High-dimensional Statistics and Large-Scale Inference with Graphical Nonlinear Knockoffs [2021-06-18]
- Research Talk by Prof. Min LI [李敏]: Convergence Analysis of the Generalized Splitting Methods for a Class of Nonconvex Optimization Problems [2021-04-21]
- Research Talk by Prof. Weili XUE [薛巍立]: Operations Management under Consumer Choice Models with Multiple Purchases [2021-04-21]
- Research Talk by Assoc. Prof. Vincent Chau: Weighted Throughput Maximization with Calibrations [2021-04-21]