Research Talk
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Mainz, Germany
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg, Germany
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the Technical University of Munich in Munich, Germany
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the University of Leipzig in Leipzig, Germany
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the TU Chemnitz in Chemnitz, Germany
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the TU Dresden in Dresden, German
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in Magdeburg, Germany
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
First Institute Workshop on Applied Optimization
Research Talk "Dynamic Network Routing: Meeting the Challenge of Complex Traffic and Transportation Tasks" by Prof. Dr. Rolf H. Möhring from TU Berlin
Research Talk "Understanding Quantum Computing - Computing Model and Algorithms" by Prof. Dr. Jörg Lässig at Hefei University
Research Talk "An Application Meta-Model to Support the Execution and Benchmarking of Scientific Applications in Multi-Cloud Environments" by Mr. Markus Ullrich at Hefei University
Research Talk "Two Real-World Optimisation Problems Related to Energy" by Dr. Markus Wagner at Hefei University
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, China
Research Talk "Approximation-Guided Many-Objective Optimisation and the Travelling Thief Problem" by Dr. Markus Wagner at Anhui University
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich in Munich (München), Germany
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Mainz, Germany
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the University of Cologne in Köln (Cologne), Germany
Research Talk "Automating Scientific Research in Optimization" by Prof. Thomas Weise at the University of Leipzig in Leipzig, Germany
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