On August 1, 2017, I gave the research presentation Automating Scientific Research in Optimization at the research group of Prof. Dr. Rainer Schrader at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln).
This group pursues the goal of building a bridge between real-life problems and the theoretical theorems of pure Mathematics. They closely cooperate with industrial partners to obtain solutions in an application-driven way, by applying research in several fields of Mathematics and Computer Science. Their current work includes contributions to the theory of interval graphs. The knowledge transfer to the industry plays also a very important role for the group as well, as it inspires innovative directions for both their fundamental research and teaching curriculum. The group offers research strength in areas such as complex simulations for economical models and traffic, the development of control models for optimizing process in industrial production, pattern recognition, and the development of multimedia and interactive learning systems. These competences support a variety of partners such as DB Schenker, the Deutsche Bank AG, the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Ford, Lufthansa Systems GmbH, the Siemens AG, the Springer-Verlag, and the WDR TV sender (ARD Sportschau). The fundamental research of the group concerns discrete structures such as partially ordered sets and P4 structures, combinatorial optimization, bioinformatics, and stochastic modeling (such as the aforementioned traffic models).
I was looking forward to meeting Prof. Schrader and his group for quite some time and found the atmosphere in their Tuesday's Research Seminar very enjoyable.