Welcome to Four New Graduate Students
Prof. Weise Attends the Hefei Mid-Autumn Tea Party for People from All Walks of Life [合肥市各界人士国庆中秋茶话会]
Prof. Weise attends the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Holiday Celebration for Foreign Experts [2020年度在皖高层次外国专家迎中秋庆国庆活动]
Institute of Applied Optimization Introduced to Fresh Graduate Students
Special Issue on Benchmarking of Computational Intelligence Algorithms in the Applied Soft Computing Journal Completed
Workshop "Good Benchmarking Practices for Evolutionary Computation" held at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference as Online Meeting
Distributed Algorithms Simulator
Prof. Weise attends the 2020 Hefei City Spring Festival Get-Together [2020合肥市春节团拜会]
Prof. Weise and Mrs. Zhou attend New Year's Party for the Friends of the Hefei Foreign Affairs Office
Prof. Weise attends the 2020 Tea Party for High-Level Talents and Symposium for Newly Elected Academicians [2020年高层次人才迎春茶话会暨新当选院士座谈会] of Anhui
Foreign Experts meet with President Prof. Dr. Chunmei WU
Research Talk: Human Action Recognition using Zero Shot Learning by Mr. Kaiqiang HUANG [2020-01-06]
Research Talk: Multidimensional Modulation Formats for High Speed Optical Communications by Dr. Bin CHEN [2020-01-06]
Delegation of Hefei University Joins Consultation Symposium and New Year Party for Foreign Experts
Prof. Weise receives Title "Hefei Specially Recruited Foreign Expert"
Second Institute Workshop on Applied Optimization: Seminar on Operations Research and Optimization
Prof. Möhring and Prof. Weise attend Dagstuhl Seminar 19431 with the topic "Theory of Randomized Optimization Heuristics"
Short Course "Metaheuristics for Smart Manufacturing" Taught at the Quanzhou University of Information Engineering by Prof. Weise [2019]
Research Talk: "Man-Made Nano- and Micromachines" by Prof. Dr. Alexander A. Solovev [2019/07]
Research Talk: "GAIN – The Global Academic Innovation Network" by Mrs. Irina Lebedeva [2019/07]
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