I am Dr. Yan Chen [陈岩], a former member of the Institute of Applied Optimization [应用优化研究所] of the School of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data [人工智能与大数据学院] of Hefei University [合肥大学]. Before joining the institute, I studied as a graduate student at China University of Mining and Technology [中国矿业大学] where I received my master's degree in 2014. In the same year, I won a scholarship funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) to support my doctoral study in Germany. I received my doctorate in spatial information management and modeling at the TU Dortmund (Technische Universität Dortmund) in Germany in 2019, where I was a member of the Spatial Information Management and Modelling Department of the School of Spatial Planning. I was a member of the IAO until 2024.

My research interests include hydrological modeling, Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), and Sponge City/Smart City applications.