Today, on December 1st, 2020, the "13. Deutsch-Chinesisches Symposium zur Anwendungsorientierten Hochschulausbildung" [第十三届中德应用型高等教育研讨会], i.e., 13th Chinese-German Symposium on Application-Oriented University Education, took place in Hefei [安徽省合肥市]. The location of the event is switched yearly between Hefei and Osnabrück (Germany) and it is always co-organized by Hefei University [合肥学院] and the Hochschule Osnabrück [奥斯纳布吕克应用科学大] under guidance of the Ministry of Education of the Province Anhui, China and the Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, Germany. The topic this year was Smart-Learning, Industrie-Lehre-Integration und Hochwertige Anwendungsorientierte Hochschulausbildung, i.e., Smart-Learning, Industry-Education-Integration, and High-Quality Application-Oriented University Education. Due to this year's special situation, the symposium was condensed to a single day. Nevertheless, it featured many highly interesting talks given by university professors and educational leaders both from China and Germany. After the opening ceremony and five insightful keynotes, three parallel sessions were held. German and Chinese professors took turns in giving insightful presentations in two of the sessions. In the third session, the presidents of several universities exchanged their perspectives and ideas. The meeting can be considered as highly successful and had a high attendance. The integration of presence talks and web-based presentations was smooth and seamless, allowing for the full participation of experts who could not attend the meeting physically. For thirteen years now, this symposium has significantly influenced the development of application-oriented university education in both China and Germany. Next year, its 14th iteration will take place in Osnabrück and I am very much looking forward to it.
13. Deutsch-Chinesisches Symposium zur Anwendungsorientierten Hochschulausbildung [第十三届中德应用型高等教育研讨会]
- Written by: Thomas Weise