Today, on September 26, 2022, I attended the National Day Tea Party for People from All Walks of Life [合肥市各界人士迎国庆茶话会] in the city hall of Hefei [合肥市]. Like every year, was a very nice event, attended by people with many different professions and ranks. There were religious representatives, minorities, foreign experts, business leaders, political representatives from different parties, people from many different fields ranging from elder care to car manufacturing, and so on. I am always looking forward to this event.

The event is always divided into two sections. After a brief welcome introduction by Mr. Xiaobo CHEN, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal CPC Committee, Head of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal CPC Committee, and Deputy Secretary of the Leading Party Group of the CPPCC Municipal Committee [陈晓波市委常委、市委统战部部长,市政协党组副书记], there were speeches by Mrs. Yamei YAO, Representative of the Democratic Party and the Federation of Industry and Commerce [民主党派、工商联代表姚亚妹], Mrs. Yuxia DING, entrepreneur representative [委员企业家代表丁玉侠], Mr. Bing HANG, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee [市政协党组书记、主席韩冰], and Mr. Aihua YU, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee [省委常委、市委书记虞爱华]. In these speeches the incredible development of Hefei and very positive results of the efforts of the city government and all levels of administration, that I have also witnessed by myself for over a decade, were showcased. Then, moderated by Mr. Shan JIN [金山] and Mrs. Teng MA [马腾], the cultural program with five wonderful presentations took place: First, the singers Shengnan LIU [刘胜男] and Lei ZHANG [张磊] perform "The People Are the Mountains" [人民就是江山] together with the Hefei Song and Dance Troupe [合肥市歌舞团]. Then, comedy sketch "Community Story" [社区故事] by Mingze SUN, Shengdi ZHANG, Min ZHOU, and Wei ZHANG [孙铭泽张盛迪周旻张伟] was presented. Third, Mrs. Zhuo LI [李卓] sang the song "Beautiful Hefei" [美丽合肥]. Mrs. Tingting DUAN [段婷婷] and the Hefei Luju Theatre [合肥市庐剧院] performed selected excerpts of "Sister JIANG" / "I dedicate my youth to communism" [庐剧表演唱《江姐》选段——《我为共产主义把青春献》]. Finally, Xiaoguang YAN [闫晓光], Sisi ZHENG [正思思], Hui WANG [王惠], Pei XU [徐沛] and the Hefei Song and Dance Troupe [合肥市歌舞团] performed the the song "Navigation" [领航]. Before and after these performances, the audience could also enjoy an art and calligraphy exhibition. Like in the past years, I very much enjoyed this tea party and feel honored that I could attend.
