Our friends from the Nevergrad and the IOHprofiler are organizing the Open Optimization Competition 2020 and welcome contributions.

Nevergrad is an open source platform for derivative-free optimization developed by Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research, Paris, France. It contains a wide range of optimization algorithm implementations, test cases, supports multi-objective optimization, and handles constraints. It automatically updates results of all experiments merged in the code base, hence users do not need computational power for participating and getting results. IOHprofiler is a tool for benchmarking iterative optimization heuristics such as local search variants, evolutionary algorithms, model-based algorithms, and other sequential optimization techniques. It has two components: the IOHexperimenter for running empirical evaluations and the IOHanalyzer for the statistical analysis and visualization of the experiment data. It is mainly developed by teams at Leiden University in the Netherlands, the Sorbonne University and CNRS in Paris, France, and the Tel Hai College in Israel.

This competition is part of the wider aim to build open-source, user-friendly, and community-driven platforms for comparing different optimization techniques. The key principles are reproducibility, open source, and ease of access. While some first steps towards such platforms have been done, the tools can greatly benefit from the contributions of the various communities for whom they are built. Hence, the goal of this competition is to solicit contributions towards these goals from the community.

Areas of Interest

In the competition, all kinds of submissions are welcome, including, but not limited to:


Up to 12'000 euros of awards, to be distributed over several winners.

Submission Process

All submissions are based on pull request, which are directly made to either one of the tools, via

All supporting material should be uploaded together with the pull request. Links to arXiv papers etc are possible and welcome, but by no means mandatory. Keep in mind that a good description of your contribution increases the chance that jury members will understand and value your contribution. All pull requests not yet merged on December 1, 2019 and opened before September 30, 2020 are eligible for the competition. The key principles are:

Contact and Competition Page

In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers of the competition. Please send all inquiries to Carola (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Olivier (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), who will coordinate your request. The competition page is https://github.com/facebookresearch/nevergrad/blob/master/docs/opencompetition2020.md.


Award Committee Members