On September 19, 2019, I had the honor to take part in the Forum on Mobility of European Researchers in China taking place in the Delegation of the European Union to China [欧洲联盟驻华代表处]. About 100 researchers at all career levels and from a variety of European countries who work or study in China took part in this meeting. Currently, there are significantly more Chinese scientists contributing research in Europe than there are European researchers working in China. In this meeting, the goal therefore was to gather input about the situation of us foreign researchers in China, our success stories, the positive experiences, but also where we see opportunities for further improving conditions and raising the attractiveness of the Chinese environment for European researchers. The Delegation of the European Union will collected and compile the suggestions and ideas raised in this meeting in order to include them in a dialog between Europe and China. The goal is to increase the amount of researchers moving in both directions. Scientific exchange is of a very high importance for the advancement of research and technology – and what can better improve the exchange of ideas than the exchange of the best heads containing them?


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